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Finding Mentors and Connections

Okay. Another reality check.

The first marking period for the independent study has passed, and I have one more left to go.

I have 3 research papers to write, while also dealing with APs, college visits, SATs/ACTs, subject tests, grad project presentation, volunteering, and some other priorities.

I find out that when I list out all the things I have to do, it's easier for me to compartmentalize, prioritize, and find motivation to work. Hard part is not sinking down beneath the weight of all.

So, one thing at a time.

  • Social Media Experiment: analyzing language used on Twitter (blog post coming soon)

I contacted two different linguists, one who works as a researcher for Facebook (in the field of artificial intelligence and computational linguistics), the other a professor of linguistics/computer and physical science in the University of Chicago.

  • Overall COMMotion stuff:

I've been going to Cigus Vanni's college admissions workshops in Radnor, and they really helped put everything in perspective for me.

At the last meeting, I asked Mr. Vanni for advice on finding mentors and working on a project of this scale. He's actually the one who pointed me to Mr. Goldsmith - they were classmates in Swarthmore.

(I don't think I've ever known someone who is in stock photos, so this is frickin cool)

Anyway, I look up to Mr. Vanni like a mentor; he's a former Swarthmore admissions counselor and assistant dean, and is now known as "Cigus the College Fairy" (

If you ever need help with college topics, go to Cigus. If you're going through the I-don't-know-what-the-heck-I'm-doing-with-my-life phase, once again, go to Cigus (or your own school counselor, but Mr. Vanni puts his own little humorous twist on it that just makes your day)

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