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Teaching myself to dance?

So about 3 weeks ago I challenged myself to learn a new style of dance.

The style I chose is called tutting, a kind of popping hip hop dance. It's all about creating different shapes by using your hands, your arms, and basically any body part you can possibly use.

The reason I decided to do this was a little impulsive, really. I watched an Instagram video by Dytto (an amazing female animation dancer and public figure, extremely popular on YouTube - on her own channel as well as other well known channels like World of Dance) and saw that she had a tutorial for that tutting combo on her YouTube channel. So I watched it, learned the combo, and got a little obsessed.

That's when I decided to learn more and post my progress here.

(This is Dytto's tut-orial, link to the original combo is in the vid description.)

After that, I started practicing for maybe 10 minutes each day, either learning a new combo I found online or going over what I already knew. I've been watching some AWESOME dancers, like Jayfunk, and payed more attention to channels that I've already been watching (Status Silver , World of Dance, etc).

A "tutting update vid" is in progress right now, I'm giving myself to the end of this week to learn some more combos and capture the learning process. I think I'll do an update video like that once every month (maybe more often, who knows).

(made me grin because it is so true. but when you're passionate about what you're learning, you find a way)

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