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Slow periods.

So.... what have I been doing for the past two weeks?

It's been very slow on the design/COMMotion side.

I have to gather all the loose strands and tie them off - finish reflecting on the showcase, update the website and fix little bugs, edit all the videos that we made of the different acts, and get my head straight before being able to continue.


To finish up reflecting on the winter showcase, Mr. Heidt gave me the idea of surveying those who were in the audience to see what they thought of the concepts presented in the show, and to analyze the language they use to describe it. This seemed like a good idea at first, but I ran into several roadblocks when I started working on it. The first, which isn't that terrible, is that I have no idea how to structure a question that elicits an open-ended response AND gives me the information that I want. I emailed my school's AP Statistics teacher (they learn how to make surveys like this in class) and met with him on Friday to figure out how to do that, and that's when I hit a few more bumps.

The stat teacher asked me whether I'd be doing a random sampling, how I would be getting people to answer the survey, what exactly I want to get from the survey, etc. I could answer the first two questions, but I was stumped after that.

That's when I realized that I have to talk with Mr. Heidt a little bit more.

I don't know exactly why I want to do this survey.... or if I do, I can't seem to put into words. I want to see what the audience thought of the show, but I also want to see if they understood the main themes of the show and what their opinions are on those themes. I feel like there should be some bigger reason why I'm doing the survey, but I need some help figuring out what that is.

Fixing the COMMotion wixsite.

Let's just say that web design has been kicking my ass..... but I'm starting to kick back.

Editing the showcase videos.

RJ and I are having major technical issues with this.

It turns out that one of the cameras that we were using to film (both on the night of the show and at filming the next day) was malfunctioning, so all of the footage on that camera is blurry and does this shaky-clicky thing even though it was mounted on a tripod.

Bad news is that nearly all of the footage from filming on Saturday was on this faulty camera.

I'm not sure what we're going to do yet. I've yet to transfer the footage to my laptop - there's too much of it and it won't upload to Google Drive, so I have to buy a flashdrive to put it on there.

Here's the trial version of the first video - "Vagabond" original song by Nina Lima.

My original idea was to make a vid series called "The Arts of PV" - or something like that - and put it on the COMMotion Youtube channel. But I don't want to put bad quality out there, so I'm stuck.

Once we take a closer look at what the problem is, we might be able to fix it, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I do that too often, and oftentimes end up disappointed.


We're filming Medicine this weekend, and it'll be edited and uploaded by the middle of next week (finally!!). This video is so long overdue - we were supposed to film before the showcase, so we're about a month late.

I'm also working on two other choreographies at the same time - one is a hip hop number to "Candyman" by Zedd and Aloe Blacc, and the other is to "Soon We'll Be Found" by Sia.

I'm going to start doing shorter little weekly updates, with little sketches or storyboards, or whatever I've accomplished that week.

Until then!

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