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Showcase Update!

So we have two weeks before the show. Ahh craziness!!

In the past few weeks, we've accomplished a lot.

  • We have gotten all of the different acts together and started to line them up.

  • Most people are performing songs, but there's only one acting scene, two dances, and several poems. I'm going to ask each cast member to find a scene from either a musical or a play that they like, and figure out which ones would be best to perform.

  • We've built the set.

  • The set is minimalistic, consisting of just 4 flat, low platforms that can be moved around and placed in different arrangements. There are also 4 standing flats that will be placed in the back corners of the stage to cover up the opening to backstage. The flats will also help us make the stage-space smaller, create more of a physical environment so each act/number can block their scene. What's left to do is paint everything - since it's a winter showcase, we'll have tons of snowflakes, whites and blues.

Here's the sketch Rachel drew for the set design:

  • Decorations and Lights

  • The lighting and tech is all in RJ's field of expertise, so credit goes to him for all the following ideas. We'll be hanging string lights (4 of them) from the catwalk above the stage, letting them loop down and overlap each other. We have also cut out 8 huge snowflakes (which took a darn long time to do), and we'll be giving two snowflakes to each of the 4 PV art classes we've chosen, to design and paint the snowflakes. This is just another way to get the students involved in the show.

  • Logos and Flyers

  • Rachel has been designing the COMMotion and showcase logos for the past few weeks, and she's nearly finished. I designed the showcase flyer, but I'll share that and the logos in a separate post.

  • Advertising

  • We knew from the start that advertising for the show would have to be really really good. Since it's a one-night show, we have to get as many people as possible to come see it, and we have to put everything we have into those few hours. The "showcase" isn't a common event in Perk Valley, so not many people know what it is or know that it's actually happening.

  • Renting Lights

  • ​RJ does lights and tech for the PV Fall Play, and when I talked to him and our Fall Play director, they said that the Zeo Brothers is the only company in our area that sells what we need. So I'll be calling them and renting the lights for a week. It should come out to around $60.

More updates to come!

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