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Technical issues...

Going to keep it short and sweet today, as I still have plenty of studying left to do.

Something happened with my Wix account since the last time I was active; nearly all of the blog posts that I had published over the last month or so have been deleted. I'm not sure how that happened, but I am in the process of trying to recover them..... we'll see how that goes.

I'm not too angry about this, just a little exasperated because a majority of the posts were reflections. And for those who aren't used to doing reflection-based writings in their classes, try it sometime. Over the several years that I've spent in a discussion and project-based classroom, I've discovered that reflecting is one of the most important parts of the learning process. Reflecting on your work allows you to cement what you've learned and see the value or purpose behind the work that you did. It takes the knowledge that you've gathered and combines it to create a genuine learning experience, stimulating that critical self-assessing skill and helping you extend the significance of what you discovered to a broader social scale.

I will keep updating, and hopefully no more posts will vanish mysteriously into the night.

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